About Ivy & Ink

The idea of Ivy & Ink was born from the owner, Rachel’s desire to attend writing retreats that were always beyond her reach. Be the issues finances, time away, childcare, or any other number of reasons attending physical retreats can be difficult at the best of times. Not to mention so many retreats and conferences are either focused on writing time or lecture time and not both. Rachel wanted to offer something anyone could access to best fit their needs and circumstances that would also provide a unique blend of opportunities. 

The pandemic’s continued presence forced Rachel to pivot from her initial plans for physical retreats and recorded lectures to products for home use only, but she hopes to one day return to those ideas—so stay tuned! For now, she’ll focus on offering all the things perfect for making a home retreat as indulgent as wordsmiths deserve. 

Ivy – As long as Rachel can remember, ivy has been a favorite. The whimsy and movement of the curves and curls coupled with the elegance and sense of class, of age and wisdom, drew her to the plant. It was doodled on class notes, made prominent in her wedding decorations, and even carved into the headboard of the crib she made for her children. It’s a part of her and a symbol of how integral nature is in her life. For she is a nature lover. An avid hiker, gardener, nature photographer, and adventure sport enthusiast, she’s often joked she’s solar-powered—though it’s not that much of a joke! The sun and natural world bring her joy and rejuvenation she’d love to share.  

Ink – Ever since she was tasked to write a two-page fictional story when she was ten and she turned in about twelve pages that only reached the midway point of the story, she knew she wanted to be a writer. Unfortunately, she also wanted to be a musician, teacher, doctor, and world traveler—and not just as a child, she changed majors in college four times! So, while writing seemed ideal at times it wasn’t a focused pursuit. At least not until she was on maternity leave with her third son. Since then, she has written, studied, and pursued her passion with fervor and joy, and a few tears, and met a ton of amazing fellow wordsmiths along the way. 

Bringing those two parts of her life together seemed natural once she sat down to plan. Because what’s better than sharing the things you love with others who might feel the same?